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Startup Foundation

Startup Foundation (a trust registered under the Indian Trust Act, 1882) was incorporated with the purpose of handholding the startups in the Indian ecosystem, for not only assisting them in their business but also beyond.

In the ever so dynamic world of startups a founder faces various challenges in the business lifecycle. All talks are primarily centred around the struggles like finding market fit, MVP, team building, initial funding, etc. but most times the personal challenges go overlooked. Challenges like liquidity (for personal contingencies like kid’s education fees or marriage of near & dear ones, insurance defaults, home loan defaults, credit score), mental health just to name a few. Most of these come as the founder has decided to give the business a priority over personal needs.

This is where Startup Foundation is here to make a difference. We understand the professional & personal challenges you are facing or have faced as we have been founders too.

Startup Foundation is calling all founders, especially Unicorns, to come together and contribute towards making India the true “The Startup Capital of the World”, not just in terms of numbers but also in totality where every founder does not have to sacrifice at every stage to make the startup successful and is a “HAPPY FOUNDER”.

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